Site Access & Traffic
Traffic Management
A comprehensive traffic study developed for the Southford Park project indicates reduced daily traffic compared to a potential new full building office user (replacing Timex). This includes lower AM and PM peak hour traffic, promoting a safer and less congested commute for local residents.
By mandating right turns ONLY for exiting truck traffic and restricting ALL access to the Southford Road entrance ONLY, ensures that trucks are routed directly to and from I-84. The site is approximately 1.1 Miles from Exit 16 on I-84.
Site Access
The existing driveway on Christian Road will serve as a dedicated access route for emergency responders ONLY. Non-emergency car and truck traffic will utilize the new main entrance on Southford Road.
Traffic Comparison
The comprehensive traffic study completed for the proposed use of the site demonstrates fewer future daily trips than a potential new full building office user (replacing Timex). The proposed use of the property will help to reduce peak hour traffic, while restricting traffic on Christian Road to emergency vehicles ONLY.
Timex Driveway will be restricted to emergency access ONLY.
Non-emergency car and truck access restricted to new Southford Road entrance.
Truck traffic required to take a RIGHT TURN ONLY when leaving the site.
The site is 1.1 miles from I-84, deterring truck drivers from driving through the community.